Dear Ego

Dear Ego,

This is your divinity, your soul, your abundance, your trust, and I am here to remind you of what is important. I acknowledge your fear of the unknown, but I am here to remind you that the unknown is just like a blank piece of paper, you can create whatever you want for yourself. Lean into the uncertainty with intention of your highest desires. I know you doubt yourself because you can't see the way right now. I know that sometimes the hardest most overwhelming part of looking at a blank piece of paper is not knowing where to start, doubting your value, meeting expectations of the outcome you've set for yourself, hoping the ‘right’ thing will flow out of you. I am asking you to please believe that when you let go of the need to be perfect and just start where you are, create from heart and not from the need for perfection or validation, everything will flow out of you organically. Stop putting your energy outside of yourself, when you center it within you magic happens. 

You see, opportunities will unfold for you, and every redirectioning of your life is leading you to learn, pushing you to grow, and preparing you to prosper. You will constantly be realigning, so let go of the story you've been telling yourself of what you want, when that no longer sparks a fire within you. You've outgrown that dream, your evolution is leading you to bigger places. It was part of your book, but it's time for a new chapter. This will happen over and over again, so please remember that you will never feel you have arrived, but you will always be right where you are while you are there. Don't take that for granted, cherish these moments while you are experiencing them. It's important to know that life is a collection of moments, people, and places that aren't ours to keep. Dont let that stop you from finding the people and places which inspire you and make you feel the most yourself. Find out who you are outside of where you live, what you do, relationships, or finances. The key to happiness isn't in what is around you, but what is within you. When you know who you are as you evolve, you are able to consistently adapt and align with what works for you! 

Be the change you want to see, let anything that doesn't serve that fall away. That include your own thoughts, habits, people, etc. whatever frequency you are vibing at is what will surround you. Your thoughts and beliefs will become your life. Choose them wisely, notice them, and be courageous with them. The only limits you have are the ones you create. I know you care about what others think, you sometimes let that stop you from sharing, in fear you will be judged. Good god, Let that fear go, that is what is holding you back. You have so much value in what you say and create, the world needs it. When you judge others, you begin to fear being judged yourself. Let your light shine so bright, so vulnerable, so you, that you invite others to do the same. Comparison is not your friend, and I promise you won't thrive in your own way by being like everyone else. Each person is on their own journey, support them. There is always enough to go around. Kindness and love are contagious give without expectation of receiving. You have all the love within you that you need.  Let people inspire you, and let triggers teach you. Make sure you practice gratitude daily, it will ground you, and connect you. You are love. So create, share, and be exactly who you are. 


Your Divinity

Alex Callahan